4 Spooky Roof Problems That Require a Pro

spooky roof problems the modern pros michigan

You don’t need to live in a haunted house to have roof problems. And it doesn’t have to be Halloween for ghosts and zombies (that is, weather, squirrels, and other critters) to damage shingles, gutters and more. If it feels like spirits have targeted your rooftop, reach out to a roofing pro to get help right away and prevent bigger problems from developing.

1. Shingle Damage

If you look at your roof and don’t see a flat surface where there should be one, there’s probably a problem with your shingles. Curled or cracked roof shingles are a major sign of roof damage. Neglecting to fix these issues right away will contribute to even more problems.

Before or after you notice warped shingles, you might discover shingles on the ground. This could be a one-time thing that occurred during an especially strong wind or because one part of that shingle wasn’t tacked down as well as it could have been. Or it could be an indicator of a bigger problem that, left untreated, could lead to rot and mold.

2. Clogged or Leaky Gutters

Gutters and your roof are a powerful pair. They work together to create a strong, dry covering for your home. If gutters are full, rainwater spills from the sides of the gutters, or water backs up into your home, these are signs that something is wrong with the gutters and the roof.

You might know it’s important to keep gutters clean, but it’s also essential to understand what can happen if you don’t. Michigan is not a weather-friendly city, and from excess leaves to ice dams the intense seasons can lead to worn, sagging gutters that work overtime.

3. Attic Leaks

What does your attic have to do with your roof? Plenty. They’re right next to each other, for starters, and if there is a roof problem you can’t see, your attic will tattle on it. Whether there is a slow drip or pouring water, mold or rotting wood, homeowners must take these signs seriously. They are indications of a hidden roof leak. Fixing the issue begins with a thorough roof inspection and recommended repairs to get your home back in working order so no further damage occurs.

4. Pests

Shedding roof shingles could be caused by weather or age, or they could be caused by pests like squirrels, birds, and other wild creatures that make their way to the top of your house. Unfortunately, shedding shingles aren’t the only negative side effect – critters like to peck and chew, which means they could begin to work on your roof in all places and make holes that lead to further pest infestation, weather getting inside, and your home being overrun in all unwanted ways. Talk to a roofing expert about what’s really happening up there and figure out how to get it taken care of right away.

fix Spooky Roof Problems in Southeast Michigan

From discoloration to dents to everything in between, there are plenty of spooky roof problems that can occur on a Michigan home. Whatever is looking not-quite-right at your place, don’t blame the zombies. Take action. Contact The Modern Pros to schedule an appointment and find out how to fix the unsightly and problematic stuff right away.

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